The brilliant David Bridie founding member of Not Drowning, Waving and chamber pop group, My Friend the Chocolate Cake, explores space and sound through the acoustic piano, storytelling and improvisations in the atmospheric surrounds of the State Library of NSW.
“…a clear understanding of the compelling ambience that can be created by the interplay of lyrics, music and images…” Sydney Morning Herald
Landscape has been a consistent influence in the work of pianist, screen composer and songwriter David Bridie, from his cinematic early albums with the legendary “Not Drowning Waving” to his recent soundscape and multi screen gallery installations that immerse the viewer in the environments of remote Papua New Guinea.
The State Library of NSW provided rich inspiration for David in developing his performance for this, the last in the current series. Surrounded by early colonial representations of the Australian landscape, David will weave his own ambient responses, with themes drawn from quadrilles composed in 1833 by William Joseph Cavendish, the oldest extant manuscripts held in the library collection.
You might also catch glimpses of David’s solo & My Friend The Chocolate Cake work, as well material developed as the Australian Antarctic Divisions artist-in-residence.