Rebecca grew up listening to her three older sisters practice their musical instruments. She delighted in her childhood music lessons and wanted to teach young children herself in a fun and creative way. Her piano teacher at Melbourne University recommended the Yamaha method, and Rebecca taught with Yamaha Music Education Centres from 1998 to 2018. She loved being a national teacher trainer with Yamaha, and enjoyed opportunities to travel to Toronto and Tokyo for Yamaha teacher development events. In 2016 Rebecca went to Jakarta where her eight-year-old Yamaha student performed his original composition at the Asia Pacific Junior Original Concert.
Rebecca’s first book “Sight Reading Secrets Grade One” was published in 2004, and there are now nine books in the series. The curriculum assists students to develop a practice habit for sight reading. With level-appropriate examples, students develop skills in their home practice, freeing up lesson time for working on expression, technique and performance.
In 2023, Rebecca joined the TopMusic team as a writer, co-host and assessor for teachers in the pilot cohort of the TopMusic Certification Program. This features a supportive and collaborative environment with a cohort of passionate teachers from around the world. Teachers foster strong connections, and share knowledge and experiences. The TopMusic Integrated Music Teaching Method™ includes a blend of musical skills, knowledge, and creativity to nurture lifelong musicians. Personalised learning paths are tailored to the interests and studio needs of individual teachers. Assessment includes training and ‘done with you’ implementation. Teachers gain credibility and develop a comprehensive studio success plan.
Following the 2020 bushfires and the COVID pandemic, Rebecca founded Imagination Regeneration to give rural students meaningful learning opportunities at her piano studio in Candelo, NSW. These experiences of musical improvisation, composition and performance, as well as creating original musical works, help students express themselves following a period of trauma and being isolated. Children work at performance skills through collaborative lessons and small group workshops. Students who create compositions receive a published score of the sheet music and a digital recording. Rebecca documented the activities, creating an education program available to other regional music educators so they can assist their students in composing.